This section supplements the information contained rest of our Privacy Statement and applies to all Consumers residing in the state of California according to “The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018” (California Civil Code §§ 1798.100 to 1798.199) and its implementing regulations, as amended or superseded from time to time (“CCPA”) and is effective upon the date that the CCPA enters into operation.
Children’s Privacy
The CCPA regulates the online collection of Personal Information from children under the age of 16. Our Services are not directed to or used by children, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 16.
If you are a Consumer, you have right to request that we disclose to you (i) the categories of Personal Information we Collected about you and the Categories of Sources from which we Collected such information; (ii) the specific pieces of Personal Information we Collected about you; (iii) the Business or Commercial Purpose for Collecting Personal Information about you; and (iv) the categories of Personal Information about you shared or Disclosed and the Categories of Third Parties with whom we shared or to whom we Disclosed such information in the preceding 12 months. You also have the right to request that we delete Personal Information we Collected from you subject to certain exceptions explained below.
You also have right to not be discriminated against in pricing and services because you exercise any of your rights under the CCPA. does not offer Financial Incentives or Price or Service Differences to Consumers in exchange for the retention or Sale of a Consumer’s Personal Information.
You may only make a Verifiable Consumer Request for access or data portability twice within a 12-month period. The Verifiable Consumer Request must:
- Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably Verify you are the Consumer about whom we Collected personal information or an Authorized Agent (i.e., a person registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf). You may be required to submit proof of your identity. Only you or your Authorized Agent may make a Verifiable Consumer Request regarding your Personal Information.
- Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.
We will confirm receipt of your Verifiable Consumer Request promptly and aim to respond to your request within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why and how much more time we need to complete the request. Please note that we may need to take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
We will review the information related to your Verifiable Consumer Request that you provide and may request additional information from you to help ensure we are interacting with the correct individual. If you have an online account with us, you may be required to log-in to your account for identity verification. If you do not have an account with us, other information to Verify your identity may be required by law before we may take action upon such a request. This other information may vary depending on the nature of your request and/or the nature of the information about which your request relates. We may also be required by law to obtain a signed declaration under penalty of perjury from you. If we suspect fraudulent or malicious activity, we will delay taking action on your request until we can appropriately Verify your identity and the request as authentic.
By law, we are not required to Collect Personal Information that we otherwise would not Collect in the ordinary course of our business, retain Personal Information for longer than we would otherwise retain such information in the ordinary course of our business, or reidentify or otherwise link information that is not maintained in a manner that would be considered Personal Information. If we have not requested specific information from you to Verify your request, please do not send such information.
We generally will aim to avoid requesting additional information from you for the purposes verification. However, if we cannot reasonably Verify your identity or more information is needed for security or fraud-prevention purposes, we may consider any of the following factors, alone or in combination, in requesting additional information:
- The type, sensitivity, and value of the Personal Information Collected and maintained about the Consumer, as applicable law requires a more stringent verification process for sensitive or valuable Personal Information;
- The risk of harm to the Consumer posed by any unauthorized access or deletion;
- The likelihood that fraudulent or malicious actors would seek the Personal Information;
- Whether the Personal Information to be provided by the Consumer to Verify their identity is sufficiently robust to protect against fraudulent requests or being spoofed or fabricated;
- The manner in which we interact with you as the Consumer;
- Available technology for verification; and
- Other factors at may be reasonable in the circumstances consistent with industry practice, are recommended by California government officials, or which may be required by law or regulation following the effective date of this Privacy Statement.
Please also be aware making any such request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal or deletion of Personal Information or content you may have posted.